Idea & Plan

How does discovery work?

To understand if your idea is viable for real-world application, we go through a process called Discovery. During the discovery phase, our engineers and designers will listen to your ideas, question their application and help you create a plan of action. We’re here to stress-test your project and identify how it will work in the real world.

The kinds of things we address during the discovery phase include:

  • Who are your users, and what are they trying to achieve with your product?

  • Are there any constraints your product might face due to the market its in, funding or technology readiness?

  • What is the scope for return on investment (ROI)?

  • Is there an opportunity to improve and iterate your idea?

  • Is there any data we can access to help you substantiate how your idea will work?

From here, we move on to the next stage: proof of concept. This is when we take the theory behind your idea and test its feasibility. The proof of concept phase allows us to highlight potential issues your project may encounter at an early stage, minimising risk and cost.

Proven ideas in the real world

Build & Implement

Create a rapid prototype of your idea to bring it to life

How do the alpha and beta phases work?

The alpha phase of a project is trying out different solutions to problems your project might be facing. Here, we can understand the challenges and highlight ways to overcome them. It’s crucial to try new ideas and challenge old ways of thinking during this phase. Our team is here to help you determine the best solution.

The beta phase of a project is realising your idea by building the first iteration of it. During this phase, you can think about how your solution might replace existing services and how you can prepare for it to go live.

From concept to reality

Test & Improve

See how your idea reacts to a real-world environment

How does the live phase work?

With your idea now realised, we can see how it plays out with users in a live environment. We take all the learnings from the discovery, alpha and beta stages to deliver an excellent product. It may be appropriate to collaborate with other organisations to gain unique insights. DefProc has a long history of working collaboratively with other organisations to bring complex or large-scale ideas to life.

Testing in the real world

Ready to get started?

We’re here to help you on your innovation journey. Let’s begin.

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