About Alex

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So far Alex has created 44 blog entries.

October 2018

Hello World for LoRaWAN

Welcome The Things Conference UK workshop participants, and others on the internet. This workshop guide is designed to let you start from very simple beginnings, and take you [...]

June 2018

Sensor City Office

Since our foundation five years ago, we at DefProc have always tried to be at the bleeding edge of new developments, both socially and in tech, so we’re delighted [...]

March 2018

February 2018

July 2017

June 2017

March 2017

The Things Network

The Things Network is on a mission to build an open, global and crowdsourced Internet of Things data network, owned and operated by its users. In July 2015, [...]

February 2017

January 2017

About Made Invaders

In the 1970s and 80s shooting galleries that used simple light detection were everywhere. The rifle would emit a simple pulse of light, and if that light happened [...]

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